I Literally Converted Myself…

I promised myself I wouldn’t do this…

Anya Logan
3 min readMar 6, 2022
Photo by Frank Albrecht on Unsplash

Have you ever looked at a sport and said, “Nope, It’s boring I don’t want to watch it.” But then you find yourself low-key entertained by it?

It doesn’t even have to be a sport, it can be a song, person, movie, or book. The point is you promised you wouldn’t watch it or get attached and then -whoops- there you go. You have completely fallen for it.

That’s EXACTLY what happened to me.

I watch most, if not all, racing with my dad. We’re both what we like to call “Racing Buddies” and it’s true. A lot of conversations between me and my dad are about racing or cars that we saw pass us by on the road.

But one thing we could never agree on was NASCAR.

I just couldn’t fathom the entertainment of cars (that all looked the same) driving around a circle for like…200 laps.

Where’s the fun in that?

He would say, “I’m going to take you to one race and you’ll be hooked.” I swore up and down that I would not. He still hasn’t taken me to that race, but it all started the day I was scrolling through Netflix.

I was bored, I finished work and sent off my latest article to my client. Then a docuseries came up on Netflix’s recommended movies and shows.

It was called “Race: Bubba Wallace”

Now, I knew who Bubba Wallace was. He is the only black driver in NASCAR as of this moment.

As I mentioned, I couldn't care less about NASCAR. It just didn’t appeal to me.

But at that moment I couldn’t find anything to watch, my little siblings were in bed, my mom was working, and my friend hadn’t called. I was bored out of my mind. So…I broke down and watched it.

Photo by Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

*Heavy sigh* Three words: It Was Great.

Then I saw all the crashes and drama that went along with watching NASCAR and then…

Yes, I fell.

I am now totally okay with going to a NASCAR race. I used to make fun of NASCAR and how all they did was go around in circles. Well, I am not above admitting when I’m wrong.

I was wrong.

Imagine being stuck in a hot car for hours, and going over 180mph. That takes guts, stamina, and mental strength. I can barely stand sleeping in a room that’s only 74 degrees.

It's also pretty stressful when you HAVE to find sponsors, and if you don’t have sponsors you don’t have a spot in NASCAR unless you can supply at least 25-million USD a season.

So I pretty much did it to myself. I told myself I’d never get attached and yet…

I did.

